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HOODED PITCHERPLANT Sarracenia minor carnivorous BULK 100 seeds
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HOODED PITCHERPLANT Sarracenia minor carnivorous BULK 100 seeds
HOODED PITCHERPLANT Sarracenia minor carnivorous BULK 100 seeds
HOODED PITCHERPLANT Sarracenia minor carnivorous BULK 100 seeds

HOODED PITCHERPLANT Sarracenia minor carnivorous BULK 100 seeds

Price: $21.00 currently not available     
Feedback: 97.76%, 1069 sales Ask us a question
Shipping: US-Mainland: $4.50 (more destinations)
Condition: Brand new
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*The store has not been updated recently. You may want to contact the merchant to confirm the availability of the product.
Sarracenia minor is known as the hooded pitcher plant. Each pitcher leaf end in a re-curved hood, which serves very effectively as a way to trap insects. The bright reddish to purplish colors are an attractive signal. The inside of the hood has nectar glands in it, so the leaf is offering some food for the insect. Notice the pattern of white translucent areas in the leaf.....

The translucent areas in the hood fool an insect, which responds to the light these "windows" (seen enlarged here) transmit. The insect's response is to fly toward the windowed wall, because it resembles sky by being bright.

The hairs on the inside of the hood of Sarracenia minor may look small, but they are large compared to an insect. They point downward, into the pitcher, and tend to discourage returning upward...

Zone 5-9

Sowing instructions

Sift a little fine dust of sphagnum peat moss (ground between the fingers, for example) onto the surface of the germination/growing medium to settle around the seeds to help retain moisture and keep the emerging root from drying out and becoming calloused and stunted. This also helps give the seed something to push against as the root emerges and seeks to dig itself into the medium instead of merely pushing itself along the soil surface, but it is not strictly necessary. Use only rain water or distilled water (or reverse-osmosis water). To water the seeds, use a spray bottle to gently wet the soil surface or continue to spray to saturate the medium until some water drains out, or water from below, allowing the soil to suck water upward through the drain holes from a tray or bowl of water. While germinating seed the soil should be fairly moist. Later when the plants begin to grow well the water content should be lowered and the plants allowed to have more air and less water in the soil. Venus Flytraps, once they are past the tiny seedling stage, grow very healthy in just moist rather than soggy or saturated soil, although care must be taken so that the soil never completely dries out.

Keep the seeds and growing container warm. A temperature between 75-85 or fluctuating up to 90 degrees Fahrenheit will greatly help to stimulate more rapid germination and early healthy growth.

Keep moist -- Don't allow the soil surface to dry out completely, and try to keep humidity high during germination, although it can be lowered once the plants are growing. If you live in a dry climate, it helps to germinate Venus Flytraps in a covered container. A disposable plastic food storage container makes a fine germination chamber. Cut or punch holes in the top for heat escape and air circulation, and poke some tiny holes in the bottom of the container to drain excess water. Lift the lid of the container at least once a day and fan the air for a change of fresh air. The germination chamber should not be placed in direct sunlight because it will overheat both the air and soil inside and may damage or kill the seeds and germinating plants. Bright indirect light is best. Alternatively, the seeds may be sown in any regular pot or planting container, and temporarily covered with a clear plastic bag in indirect light. As with the germination chamber mentioned above, it is important to keep any covered container out of direct sunlight because of the rapid buildup of heat inside or beneath the covering, which can literally bake and kill seeds and seedlings. Once most of the seeds have germinated (within 4-6 weeks) the covering can be permanently removed and the seedlings then placed in direct sunlight.
Last Updated: 26 Jan 2016 05:52:54 PST home  |  about  |  terms  |  contact
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