One of the few trees to flower in mid-Summer, Golden Rain Tree is a fast growing, extremely tough deciduous specimen tree native to China. It has a nice round form often growing to a mature height of 30' by 30'. When in bloom, is literally loaded with long one foot showy panicles of bright yellow flowers. This tree is extremely adapatable, and can be grown in even poor, compacted soil. It is easy to grow and rarely bothered by pests. It grows very quickly and is a very desirable tree to grow as a specimen, small shade, focal point, or street tree. Winter hardy from zones 5-9.
Sowing insructions:
They can be sown in a cold frame in the late fall. (You may also simulate this by soaking the seed, placing it in soil, and putting the container in the refrigerator for three weeks.) Then you can place the container in a sunny window and watch your golden rain tree grow.The golden rain tree is no small tree; it can reach 30 feet or more. So place these trees in well-drained soil and full sun and let them reach their full potential.