The Mandarin oranges are small, sometimes spiny, trees with slender branches, and lance shaped shiny evergreen leaves. The leaves are not trifoliate, but the petioles (leaf stems) are slightly winged. Mandarins have shapely, symmetrical, rather open, rounded crowns and rarely require pruning. They can get 15-20 ft tall. The white flowers appear in March and April and are very fragrant, usually attracting hoards of honey bees. The orange colored fruit of most mandarins is juicy and sweet, loose skinned and easy to peel. They are 2-4 in in diameter and have easily divided sections. They are similar to oranges, but usually smaller and looser skinned. The fruit of most varieties matures in November or December
Zone 8-11
Sowing instructions:
Germinate in wet paper towel at 80 degrees, then transplant in good potting soil mix and keep at constant tempertaure. Let almost dry out between waterings. Easy.