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BULK ASIATIC LILY HYBRIDS color mix 1000 seeds

BULK ASIATIC LILY HYBRIDS color mix 1000 seeds

Price: $120.00 currently not available     
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Shipping: US-Mainland: $4.50 (more destinations)
Condition: Brand new
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The Asiatics are the hardiest of all the lily hybrids. They do very well in U.S.D.A. Zones 3 to 10, are easiest for the beginner, multiply the fastest, and are the first to flower each season. They come in a wide range of colors -- white, yellow, orange, red, pink and all shades and color combinations, except the color blue. Flowers are mostly upfacing with a few dainty garden gems carrying outfacing or pendant blooms all will be exciting when the buds unfurl. These hybrids multiply rapidly and bloom over a long season. Although generally unscented, a light scent can be discerned on warm, still days.

Hardy zone 3-10


Sowing instructions

Sow thinly in pots from late winter to early spring in a cold frame. Great care should be taken in pricking out the young seedlings, many people prefer to leave them in the seed pot until they die down at the end of their second years growth. This necessitates sowing the seed thinly and using a reasonably fertile sowing medium. The plants will also require regular feeding when in growth. Divide the young bulbs when they are dormant, putting 2 - 3 in each pot, and grow them on for at least another year before planting them out into their permanent positions when the plants are dormant. Division with care in the autumn once the leaves have died down. Replant immediately. Bulb scales can be removed from the bulbs in early fall. If they are kept in a warm dark place in a bag of moist peat, they will produce bulblets. These bulblets can be potted up and grown on in the greenhouse until they are large enough to plant out
Last Updated: 26 Jan 2016 05:52:54 PST home  |  about  |  terms  |  contact
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