The Adenium or "Desert Rose" is an extraordinary tropical plant.
Coming essentialy from East Africa, where it is found under different "subspecies" in countries like Sudan, Yemen, Socotra , Namibia, South Africa, Zimbabwe. The appelation appear to become from "Aden", which should indicate the area of the Gulf which has the same name, at the mouth of the Red Sea on the Indian Ocean side.
It is a small tree, under wich principal caracteristics are a caudex, sort of big bulge under the branches, a beautiful and abundant flowering, with colors from pale rose to dark red, longevity, many hundred years, resistance to dryness.
The Adenium has naturaly the aspect of a bonsaï but is not one.
Hardy zone 11-12
Sowing instructions:
Scatter seed into a mixture of sand/soil or cactus soil. Seeds germinate easily, and seedlings grow without any special attention. Needs full sunlight and temperatures not below 55 degrees. Do not overwater and let dry out before watering again. Blooms in spring and fall.